
23 - Evanston, IL - June 22, 2023

We were invited by Chicago-based artist Anne Wilson to perform as part of her project The Davis Street Drawing Room, a project that focuses on slow, close, looking utilizing Anne’s extensive collection of lace and textiles.  The project is situated within Anne’s home and studio in Evanston, IL and was open to the public by appointment for regular drawing sessions.  Inspired by the extensive textile collection and the community drawing project, a special performance was planned for the numerous artists and creators connected to the Drawing Room.

For the performance at the Davis Street Drawing Room, we continued to develop a new version of our system focusing on creating a singular, site-related textile object and interrelated live-electronics audio. To achieve this, we derived a score for ourselves from a close examination of a piece of lace in the collection. We also developed a new sound world for this version of the project, drawing on Karplus-Strong plucking algorithms, and introducing them into the ambient and feedback infused world of the Davis Street Drawing Room.

This special performance would not have been possible without Anne Wilson, Sofia Fernandez Diaz, Tara Hills, Lee Running, and Stephan Moore.